Thursday, July 8, 2010

Let's Get the Ball Rolling!

Okay, so I have been working on getting my website built, products made and ordered, business license information, etc, etc, etc.... Everything is finally coming together!  Hooray!  The site is up, but the store is still getting tweaked.  Hopefully by this afternoon it will be up and running! 

So I haven't been officially working since mid-February, and I have thoroughly enjoyed my time!  I am really getting pretty stir crazy now.  Ha!  Knew it wouldn't last long!  So, I have been working on some things and decided to have an online store! 

I always try to find really unique gifts to give for birthdays, showers, etc.  So, I figure, why put all that time searching for fun gifts to waste.  Why not have all the great stuff I find and create in one place!  Thus, Tre Stelle Design was born!

I am planning on continuing to add items and continue to evolve what is offered in the store!  I am excited to see where this takes me, and I am enjoying using the right side of my brain more!

Here are a couple of items on the site:

1 comment:

  1. hey! so somehow i found your blog...but not website. It wouldnt direct me to the website when googled but it would the blog... oh well, i'm so excited for you! i loved korbins bucket and can't wait to use it!!
